The essential part of the sculpture collection of the museum consists of works of Russian and Western European masters of the 18th — beginning of the 20th centuries.
“Gold” collection of applied arts contains items made of bronze, stone, bone, enamels, wood, glass, porcelain and ceramics in Russia, Western Europe and Orient countries. There are such unique monuments of national and global importance as gold of Scythian period found on the territory of Omsk region, stone vases of Yekaterinburg and Kolyvan manufactures, bronze works of P.-F. Tomir, items of Faberge manufacture etc.
Photos courtesy of Omsk State Museum of Fine Arts named after Mikhail Vrubel
Compotier. 1765. Pate. 1765. Vase-Jardinière. 1760. Soft-paste porcelain
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Plates. Coffee-pot. Cup and saucer. Paris. Dagoti manufacture. The 1820s. Hard-paste porcelain
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Hand-wash set. Paris. Paul Bleu workshop. The 1830s (?). Hard-paste porcelain
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Vase. Russia. Gus Khrustalny. Maltsov manufacture. The 1900s. Multiple-layered glass, etching.
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Drinking horn. Austria. Wien. Second half of the 19th century. Silver, enamels
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Vase. V. Kokovin. Russia. Yekaterinburg cutting manufacture. 1809. Kalkansky jasper, bronze
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Cabinet. End of the 16th century — beginning of the 17th century. Nut-tree
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Cupid and Psyche. France. Beginning of the 19th century. Bronzе
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Throne-chair. Master Y.F. Russia. 1908. Ebony, silver, velour
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Chandelier. Russia. The 1830s. Green copper, bronze
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Belt plate. Sidorovka grave-mound complex. Forest-step part of the Irtysh river basin. Omsk region. 2nd century BC — 2nd century AD (2nd — 4th century AD). Gold, silver, turquoise, coral, amber
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Belt buckle. Sidorovka grave-mound complex. Forest-step part of the Irtysh river basin. Omsk region. 2nd century BC — 2nd century AD (2nd — 4th century AD). Silver, iron
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Menacing Cupid. Etienne Maurice Falconet. 1898. Replica of the Falconet’s model of 1758. Bisque porcelain, gold covering
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Venus with an Apple. Unknown sculptor. Copy of the Bertel Thorvaldsen’s original. 19th century. Marble
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Bust of Maria Adelaide of Savoy. Copy of marble statue of Antoine Coysevox. 1710. Hard-paste porcelain, bisque-porcelain
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Dog. Russia. St. Petersburg. K. Faberge Company. End of the 19th century — beginning of the 20th century. Amber, carving
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Equestrian statue of Napoleon I. Alfred Emilien O’Hara van Nieuwerkerke. France. 19th century. Bronze, cast
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David. Antonin (Marius Jean Antonin) Mercie. France. 1872. Casting from original. Bronze, cast
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